As a result of the General Data Protection Regulation, which comes into
effect on 25 th May 2018, we are providing this summary of how FOPRP
collects and uses members’ personal data.

Information we collect. We collect your personal details when you join
FOPRP or otherwise provide them to us. The data will include all or some of
the following: name, address, email address, date and method of payment.

Use of your information. We use your information only for the purpose it
was collected, which is to send you the FOPRP newsletter and keep you
informed about matters affecting Peckham Rye Park and Common.

Storing of information. Your information is stored on a secure computer
system. We control who has access to this information. We review what we
hold and delete what is no longer required. If you use PayPal, your payment
details are held securely by PayPal.

Sharing data. We do not sell your data and we do not share it with anyone
outside the FOPRP committee.

Your data, your choice.  The new legislation does not require us as a
membership organisation to get renewed consent to use your information,
and our assumption is that you will be happy for FOPRP to continue to hold
and use your data to keep you informed about Peckham Rye Park and
Common. If this is not the case, please contact us by email at or write to us at The Friends of Peckham Rye Park, c/o The
Park Office, Strakers Road, Peckham Rye Park, London SE15 3UA